Our safety management system is based on the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards. Effective communication and consultation changes form a fundamental part of this management process, encouraging innovative means of reducing risk in the work environment.
Training and information is provided to assist staff in identifying health and safety hazards, leading to safe work practices both within the ITFM environment and externally. This policy reflects the value ITFM places on its people by endeavouring to protect the health, safety and welfare of all employees.
Risk management is an essential element for good corporate governance
ITFM has developed a proprietary web-based platform to centrally manage our Quality Assurance, Workplace Health and Safety, Environmental, and Risk Management systems.
This platform allows all employees, management and executives to access the processes and procedures they need to perform their roles. It is also used as a means of communicating and providing feedback within the organisation. This communication matrix is completed by providing key personnel with leading edge, cross- platform communications technology that allows ITFM to remain a market leader.
ITFM operates a Risk Management Policy across all its project and business activities. ITFM practises continual risk management using a step-by-step process involving the identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment, monitoring and review of risks as defined under the Risk Management Policy.
ITFM recognises that the aim of risk management is not to eliminate risk completely, but rather to provide the structural framework to effectively manage the risks involved in all activities. The degree of risk ITFM faces at any one time is derived from the likelihood of an event occurring combined with the severity of the consequences should an event occur. We believe risk management is an essential element for good corporate governance and good management practice. A strategic and formal approach to risk management improves decision making, encourages positive outcomes, and enhances accountability.